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Posts tagged ‘Butlerstown Farmers Market’

My Favourite Places #4: Butlerstown Farmer’s Market

Caolan Harrington, market founder and vendor at Crough Farms Venison

Caolan Harrington, market founder and vendor at Crough Farms Venison

I don’t know if you know this about me, but I love farmer’s markets.

I’m sure I’ve talked about the Brickworks in Toronto or the Wolfville Farmer’s Market in Nova Scotia, where I went to university. These are the two best markets I’ve ever been to – as far as what’s sold, the level of community support and how much of my weekly shopping I can get done, these two win out for me every time.

It took me awhile to find a market in Waterford. Not that there’s any shortage of markets; just the contrary: there are so many on different days of the week and with different vendors, it’s hard to find a market where I can consistently get a lot of my weekly shopping done.

Also, I need a weekend market in my life. I don’t drive, so midweek marketing in another town is not an option. I’ve heard good things about the Thursday market in Dungarvan, but since Pat works during the week I can’t get there.



This all leads to the Butlerstown Farmer’s Market, which is this month’s favourite place!

It takes place every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am outside the Harvey Norman on Waterford’s ring road. A consistently great bunch of vendors gather here every weekend. There’s great banter – always music playing and picnic tables set up. There’s hot food, baked goods, venison and a really talented espresso slinger on hand. Really, it’s what I was looking for in a market.




Caolan Harrington, one of the founders of the market and also a vendor, strives to make Butlerstown Farmer’s Market a one-stop shopping destination and is always on the lookout for new vendors.

I personally love the baked goods and specialty products that are on offer here. I like the fact that I can grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat before getting my veggies and meat.




Vendors include (but are not limited to):

There are always fresh, seasonal vegetables on offer, too. A great way to do your weekend shop!

You can find The Butlerstown Farmer’s Market on Facebook and Twitter – they update regularly!




An Rinn, County Waterford’s Gaeltacht Community


I need to start this post by saying this is the best Winter I’ve ever experienced.

OK, maybe second best. The best was when Patrick and I spent three months backpacking through Southeast Asia. The worst of the Korean Winter was spent on the beach and when we got back it was June. We timed it very well.

But this Winter has been nothing short of amazing for a Canadian gal like me. Today was chilly, but not too cold and it was absolutely, stunningly gorgeous. The temperatures have been pretty mild (in my opinion) and haven’t warranted more than a light jacket. We’ve gotten some pretty terrible rain and wind storms, but I’ll take those over snowstorms any day of the week!

(To my Canadian people: I hope I don’t sound like I’m gloating. OK, I’m kind of gloating. Love you.)

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Today, as I mentioned, was gorgeously sunny. Tomorrow, we are told, will not be. So we decided to make the most of our day and drive out to County Waterford’s gaeltacht region (meaning the residents only speak Irish – no English allowed!), located just West of Dungarvan.

Our first pit stop was at the Butlerstown Farmer’s Market for a latte, some venison and a loaf of brown bread (for next week’s cheat day). If you haven’t been, this market takes place every Saturday outside the Harvey Norman in Waterford City. Fab vendors, lovely food and crafts. We got back in the car and headed to An Rinn, one of the Gealtacht communities.

True to form, everything was in Irish once we arrived. The community is beautiful – lovely, big houses overlooking the sea, a well-kept playground and the water sparkling away in the foreground. We made our way to the wharf, where some fishing boats were just coming in, and took some photos.

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A friendly dalmatian found us and followed us around for a bit. We thought there was a café at one end of the wharf, but it turned out to be a seaweed spa! I had no idea there was such a spa in Waterford. It’s called Sólás na Mara. I will definitely be back – I’m in need of a spa day and I’ve heard these seaweed baths are beyond rejuvenating.

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The guy working at the spa told us we could follow a small footpath to a nearby cove. On the way there, we passed an old man and his dog. The man had clearly been foraging for seaweed as his Tesco bag was bulging with different varieties. I was a little jealous (wishing I had brought my own Tesco bag). The cove itself was very pretty. We were glad we came.

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On the way home, since it’s our cheat day, we stopped at Merry’s Bar in Dungarvan and each had a “Fungarvan” Burger with a side of skin-on chips (extra yum). I washed mine down with a Franciscan Well Red Rebel beer from Cork. We felt right at home since there were three other babies crawling around the floor – Maeve had a great auld time.

It’s days like this that I feel grateful to be living in such a gorgeous place with such friendly people. No Winter blues here.