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Easter Weekend: Egg Hunt, Fota Island & Lunch at Market Lane


We had the best Easter long weekend. Like, ever.

I know it was ages ago, but I still wanted to share the experience.


First of all, we had gorgeous summery weather all weekend. Family came home, eggs were hunted, chocolate was eaten, large meals were eaten, beers were had with friends at the pub (thanks to the surplus of babysitters hanging around the farm) and we managed a day trip to Cork, to visit the Fota Island Wildlife Park. The child obviously adored the trip to the wildlife park – which we were sharing with nearly every other toddler in the country (I mean, the SUN WAS SHINING. Where else were they going to go?).

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Pat and I may have enjoyed our lunch at Market Lane in Cork a bit more. It was warm enough to sit outside. There were street musicians playing everywhere. My lamb curry hit the spot (especially in light of all those beers I drank the night before) and Pat’s pork belly burger was equally amazing. Maeve had a spoonful of soup and then ate my poppadoms while spying on indoor diners through the window.

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Market Lane (and the city vibe in general) made me wish for a few moments that I lived in Cork. Then we got home to the farm – it was bathed in beautiful sunshine, the dog was napping at the doorstep, the cat was hiding in the bushes and the cows were munching away at the green grass. And I figured Cork wasn’t that far away if I ever needed a daytime-city escape.

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And Tipperary is most definitely home.